The ObenaufLab takes great pride in the success of students,
postdocs and researchers who once worked in the lab. Best of luck with your future endeavors!

Pauline Sophie JungPh.D. Student

Felix Holstein Ph.D. Student
Now Medical Manager in Oncology-Hematology| Novartis Austria

Laura Sanchez BurgosPostDoc
Now Associate Editor | Nature Communications

Lukas LeiendeckerPh.D. Student
Now Associate Product Manger | Ribbon BioLabs Vienna

Christian UmkehrerPh.D. Student
Now Postdoctoral Researcher | Boehringer Ingelheim RCV

Lisa HaasPh.D. Student
Now Senior Editor | Nature Cancer, Berlin
Andrea NeudoltPh.D. Student
Now Analyst | IQVIA Vienna
Francesco Andreatta Research assistant
Now Ph.D. student | Princess Maxima Center for Paediatric Oncology, The Netherlands
Tobias NeumannBioinformatician
Now Lead Bioinformatician | QUANTRO Therapeutics GmbH, Vienna
Magdalena Frank Master Student
Now Ph.D. student | Medical University of Vienna
Miquel Muñoz i OrdoñoMaster Student
Now Ph.D. student | CeMM Vienna
Laura Formenti Master Student
Konstantina GeorgakopoulouBachelor Student
Laura Kristin EßerMaster Student
Now Ph.D. student | University of Bonn Medical School
Lisa Maria KochMaster Student
Now Ph.D. student | ETH Zurich
Mario KuttkeVisiting Post Doc
Medical University of Vienna
Elise MosesVBC Summer School Student
Veronica PinamontiVBC Summer School Student
Research Assistant | BioMed X Innovation Center
Adriana SavovaMaster Student
Now Ph.D. student | MFPL Vienna