Obenauf lab at the EMBO workshop in Rimini

Johanna, Jonas, Martin, Guillem, Lisi, Anais, Lisa and Sofia joined Anna as she organized the EMBO workshop: “The many faces of cancer evolution” in Rimini, Italy this May. The meeting brought together an interdisciplinary community of scientists, facilitating discussions on the genetic and non-genetic mechanisms of cancer evolution. The event provided a platform for Martin and Anais to share their recent findings. Martin showcased his research through a poster presentation, while Anais was invited to give a short talk. 

The workshop offered an excellent opportunity for members of the Obenauf lab to stay updated on the latest developments of cancer research, network with leading scientists and enjoy the wonderful cuisine and beautiful weather in Italy.

20th Biennial MRS Conference in London

Andri and Milica attended the 20th Biennial MRS Congress held in London, UK this June. Organised by the Metastasis Research Society the conference provided a unique opportunity for the two members of our lab to engage with leading researchers, clinicians and industry experts on the fundamental processes of metastasis. Milica participated in the poster session where she presented and discussed her recent findings. 

Both Andri and Milica greatly enjoyed insightful talks on metastasis and participated in knowledge-sharing sessions during workshops and poster presentations.

Evomet Conference at the IMP in Vienna

Another highlight of this summer was the annual EVOMET ITN network conference which was held in Vienna, Austria this year. Co-organised by Anna, Guillem and Jingyi the thematic conference was titled “Deconstructing the Evolution of Metastasis”. The event featured distinguished speakers from across Europe and offered engaging workshops and scientific outreach events. It was amazing to see many young scientists present their work, discuss new ideas and build on the community fostered by EVOMET.